Back in Black

Despite not being of the Chaos persuasion, nor having read much of the fluff, I found this explanation of Abaddon’s motivation and back story interesting – especially as he seems to come in for a lot of flakk from the fanboys: Hmm, might read some more of the Black Library books after all… Of…

Space Wolf WIP Update

It’s been a while since I bought my first box of Space Wolves and with Hammerfest coming soon thought I’d pull my finger out and at least get the Grey Hunters I had already started – finished. Maybe then I could have a hope of fielding a tabletop quality army! As it has been a…

Work in progress: Space Wolves

It’s been about 10 years since I last played a Games Workshop game; with the recent release of the 6th Edition of Warhammer 40K it seemed like a good time to get back into the hobby. Previously I had a small Dark Angels force, but this time around fancied a change (also we already have…